Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stressing, Jamming, and Binging = Great Weekend!

First, the stressing:
I had the day off on Friday because Saturday I worked my first weekend shift at the hospital. Whew! It was busy. As the only dietitian on call that day you have to handle everything diet-related that comes up, which can be a lot! Well, ok, so I managed to sort it out fine, but I am glad to have gotten my turn out of the way for a few months. Now that I'm about a month in, I can say that I really have been enjoying my new job. Soon, I may be able to do diabetes education sessions in my sleep! (How often do you check your blood sugars at home? Do you know what foods will raise your blood sugar??) Although, I am trying to come up with some ways I may be able to do more/branch out a bit since my wards aren't as demanding as others and I want to keep expanding as a person/dietitian. Now that I'm not in school anymore, I am afraid I am getting dumb! (Ok, ok. I know that's not really the case!)

Second... Jamming!
Will and I headed to the Hi-Tone for a second week in a row for the band Cursive! It was definitely worth staying up to see! I feel like such an old fogey! These concerts often don't start until midnight and it's getting harder and harder for me to stay up that late... Goodness. I think Dean introduced me to this band in high school (?) and I was excited to see that they were coming to Memphis.Their lyrics are a bit dark (I am pretty sure the lead singer was in a lot of bad relationships... poor guy.) To make up for it though, they have a lot of pleasantly surprising well-played instrumental reels in their songs (mostly coming from the trumpet/keyboard/synthesizer guy).

Finally, Binging!
On Sunday, there was an event called, Soup Sunday at the Fed Ex Forum (ie. the stadium where the NBA team the Grizzlies play!). This entailed volunteers and cooks from some 50+ restaurants in town bringing in their bests soups, breads, and an occasional  dessert for tasting. It's so hard to practice self-control at an event like this! I ate sooo much food! Each taste of soup or other food item had a vendor number so you vote for your favorites at the end. I think I ranked this really great artichoke bisque as the best soup and a berry panna cotta as the best dessert. Will and I also ran into a few of our co-workers at the event so we weren't the only dietitians in town contradicting our own good advice and overindulging. :-)
Making Sure to Cover my Overstuffed Belly!

1 comment:

  1. You got to see cursive in concert! That rocks! Did they happen to play the song "Staying Alive"?
    And give it up for the Memphis Grizzlies! - Beating the spurs last night for a 5 game home win streak!
