Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Climb, Run, Bike = Weekend Fun!

Despite my battle with a cold, I was able to have quite an active weekend!
Friday, Will and I fueled up with dinner at Flying Fish then headed to Bridges which is this awesome eco-friendly building in town with a rock wall. One of Will's market friends was volunteering so he let us know about the public climb night. I was having a tough time due to my total lack of upper body strength but Will was a total pro!

Saturday morning, I did an 8-mile runny nose run with Emily and StarRunners and decided to sign up for the Germantown half marathon this weekend. (I just might be going crazy - two halfs in just 2 weeks!). We'll see how this one goes. I'm way nervous! After the market and some chill time, I met Will for a little bike ride (he on rollerblades!) through Overton Park since the weather was gorgeous!
Sunday was pretty chill. I met Will at Cafe Eclectic for breakfast. So tasty! I spent the majority of the time lounging on the couch trying to kick this cold - today I am finally feeling much better though!
Delicious house-made granola!
The other exciting thing about this weekend?? I finally bought a SMARTPHONE!!!!! After much debate, I decided on the Droid RAZR rather than the iPhone. I think I'm happy with my decision. :-) The only drawback? This one doesn't slide like my old one... bummer! Ha!

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