Saturday, September 10, 2011

I Like Old People

No really. Lately I've been realized just how much of my time is spent with people 65+ and how much I love it. The Vets that I serve at work can be so entertaining! Sure, it is a bit frustrating at times as I work on portraying myself as a professional and the patients see me as their little grand-daughter. At other times, it is really fun to be able to hear their stories, listen to advice, or try to follow to random logic of the pleasantly demented. (I think I'd like to be pleasantly demented when I'm old... haha). This week, there was a tiny little lady admitted to my floor whom the resident consulted me about seeing. According to the doctor, the patient followed a "tea and toast" diet at home. Which was true! This little 110 lb lady mostly just drank coffee all day long and ate toast in the morning and maybe a small dinner in the evening. At 88, she said she was still trying to limit her consumption of red meat, sweets, and salty foods. She was so happy when I told her "Ms. X, at 88 (!), you can eat whatever you want!". She was so sweet... and made me miss by own grandmother.

The fun times with the elderly don't just happen at work. Whenever Will and I go somewhere we always seem to be able to strike up the most entertaining conversations with the most geriatric person in the room. For example, when we went to this one art show earlier this year, we spent much of the evening chatting with the elderly volunteers who run the mansion where the show was held. They knew all the best stories! Then, last weekend at the wedding in Albuquerque we sat next to these two spunky old ladies who were in a theater group with the bride to be. At the beginning of the ceremony, they asked who the random man in a tux at the front was and Will had to inform them that was the groom! Haha. Finally, at the farmer's market today, we struck up a long conversation with this elderly gentleman who sells flowers at the market - ie. the "Gladman". (Gladiolas are his specialty!). He admired our poster, food models, and Will's interactive "My Plate" computer program and told us about his wholesome diet and his concerns about the obesity epidemic in children. Afterwards, he offered to give us a bouquet of flowers for free! I think his son is the professional arranger and he's just the grower... but this one the Gladman made was cute. :-)
As I keep thinking about how I need to start making new goals for myself in life and consider what I may eventually want to specialize in, I think I'll keep my admiration for the elderly in mind. One of my favorite classes in graduate school was my elderly nutrition class. The professor was phenomenal. She was able to make everything we learned so applicable to things we would encounter as professionals - especially at the V-A!


  1. This is great! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Old people (Charis can vouch for this), The best jobs I've had have been in nursing homes. I find I can talk to any old person much better than people my own age. It's weird but I really like it!

  2. Haha.. yes, Sam LOVES old people. I've found that I can communicate much better with children under the age of 10. Thanks to my latest job as children's gymnastics instructor. I miss the old people though.
