Thursday, May 26, 2011

7 Things I'm Loving Right Now

1. Just finished this book by John Nicholls called One Day late, late last night. (I just had to see how it ended!) I thought it was definitely cleverly written and it made me think about how I want to grow old and whether there is a unique way I could document the passing years. Hmm. The story starts off with the main characters fresh out of college and braving the "whole new world" (lol), so there were a lot of things about the book that resonated with me.
2. My brand new coffee grinder! :-) I can't say that it totally changed the way I drink coffee... but I will say that my coffee does taste a bit fresher!
3. Reading celebrity gossip magazines while working out on the elliptical. (Don't judge!)
4. I am totally addicted to these colorful cherry tomatoes from Micmak farms. I've been buying them religiously every week since the Memphis Farmers Market opened.
Vegetables? Yes, please!
5. Crossing things off of my "to-do" list. So satisfying...
6. Oatmeal + plain yogurt + sliced banana + Jones' peach jam = one killer breakfast! It keeps the "stomach growls" away until lunch time. :-)
7. Catching up with old friends on the phone. I've always despised talking on the phone. However, now that I have moved so far from my best friends, it has become one of the best ways to still keep in touch. I know, what a revelation right? Haha.

BTW- I'm headed to DALLAS tomorrow for the long weekend!!! So excited!!!

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