Friday, August 5, 2011

I'm a "Star" Runner

As I may have mentioned briefly before, (but have failed to commit a whole post to) I have taken up running with this group in town called StarRunners.  There's about 50ish people (including me!) who signed up to train for the Cooper Young 4-Miler Race in September. The coach, Star, developed a training plan to transition a couch potato into a runner in about 8 weeks. It's been a lot of fun! I signed up mostly to have to opportunity to meet some new people and perhaps make some friends (like Emily. Hey Girl!). The one thing I didn't fully consider when I signed up was how much of a commitment meeting 5x's/week to run would be! The early morning runs are tough to wake up for, but I feel so great the whole day afterwards that it makes rolling out of bed at 5:15 AM a little bit better... maybe... The evening runs are no easier because you have to contend with the savage heat and humidity that is a Southern summer. Oi! Yet, despite it all, I really do enjoy myself!
Heat index of 105F? Bring it!
The only thing about these runs is that of late, I've been struggling with a bit of arch pain. :-( I had to buy a new pair of shoes and finally say goodbye to these guys...
You mean, your toes aren't supposed to poke out the side?!
I splurged a little and bought a pair of Saucony's since I know I'll be getting a lot of miles out of whatever pair I invested in. Plus, I thought spending a little more money might ensure that I'll be better protected against injury.

Guess I was wrong! These new shoes didn't have the support I needed, hence the development of achilles fascinitis (if I may self diagnose), so I had to invest in some fancy insoles as well. Oi. Star showed me some exercises to ease the pain and make sure to stretch my arch well. Rolling my foot over an iced water bottle has been the best at relieving the achiness! Slowly, it's been getting better! I've also been trying to take it a bit easier on my runs/rest times too. Trust me. I want to be injury free and ready to run the Cooper Young 4-miler! (And the St. Jude Half Marathon in January!)
Now it is off to work for me!!! TGIF!!

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