Saturday, July 16, 2011


That's how one the girls in my running group described herself and her Memphis friends. This whole week I just keep thinking, "I really like that word". It is exactly how I feel. After my internship I uprooted myself from all that was familiar and totally transplanted myself here in the deep South... where I am still working on settling in my roots and learning and experiencing new things, like...
-Believe it or not, the cotton is still alive and thriving
-Vets will call me "ma'am".(Which feels so weird.) Plus, kids in school here are still expected to call respond to their teachers with "Yes, ma'am" and "No, ma'am".
-People can be very particular about their iced tea. If it's cloudy - it's no good. At least, that's what my patients are always complaining! Haha.
-Cornbread can seriously wreak havoc on a diabetic's blood sugar control...
-If it weren't for the AC in my apartment, at work, and in my care, I think I would have melted by now. Seriously.

Another reason I've been thinking about what it's like to live in/grow up in the South? I just finished The Help by Kathryn Stockett. It's a bit of a thick novel (over 400 pages!) but it is definitely worth every sentence. The book is set in the 1960's in Jackson, MS and outlines the life stories of 3 women, one White, and 2 African American. They work together to write a novel (a novel about writing a novel?!) where the maids candidly share what it is like to work for the white women in their city - a potentially dangerous thing to do. So, I say, if you are looking for a good book to read before the summer is over? Check this one out. Do it. :-)

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